How To Find A Contractor's License Number In Wv
The Contractors Board can be reached at 800-544-7693 or ContractorsHome-ImprovementTNGov.
How to find a contractor's license number in wv. Mail a check or money order for 90 to our office with the renewal form. You can search for a contractor by their. You can also use the Advanced Search form.
West Virginia Contractor License Lookup and Verification. Instead contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. List your license number on the check or money order.
Or You can renew online at laborwvgov with a credit card. Print the Certificate of Workers Comp Coverage. West Virginia State Business License Search httpsappssoswvgovbusinesslicensing Search West Virginia business licenses applications by license number business name address or issuance number.
Check a Contractor License or Home Improvement Salesperson HIS Registration. Visit the West Virginia Division of Labor contractor licensing database to lookup and verify contractors by name business or license number. As a walk-in in our Charleston office.
Perform a free West Virginia public contractor license search including contractor license lookups checks and boards. If a trade is licensed at state-level in your state you can often go online and check a contractors license. The law established the Contractor Licensing Board which is comprised of eight 8 West Virginia licensed contractors and two 2 code officials.
If you have any specific questions about a contractor. If you are engaged in business activity a business registration certificate can be obtained by filing an application either through the Business for West Virginia Website or by filing a BUS-APP with the Tax Commissioner. During the 2021 session with the effective date of June 15 2021 the West Virginia Legislature passed HB2006 which repeals 21-11 of the State Code creates and moves the Board to 30-42 of the.